A Leading Business In The Services Industry Is On The Market For A Digital Marketing Officer. Applicants Must Have Similar Experience In A Reputable Organisation And A Proven Track Record Of Assignments Completed. A Digital Marketing Qualification is Mandatory.
Minimum Qualifications:
Degree in Marketing
Digital Marketing Certification
A minimum of three years of working experience in digital marketing and advertising
Clean Class 4 Driver’s license
Skills and attributes:
Demonstrated knowledge and ability to create digital content
Highly creative with excellent analytical capabilities
In-depth knowledge of various online platforms
Solid understanding of the latest trends and technologies in digital marketing
Good communication and interpersonal skills
Key Responsibilities:
Assists in the Coordination and execution of the company’s digital marketing strategy
Manage and administer corporate websites including back-end administration, styling and uploading, and optimization of content
Manage and administer social media channels.
Execute marketing campaigns and promotions on digital media
Research and evaluate competitor marketing and digital content
Research the latest trends and digital marketing technologies.